CFA Salary
Average CFA Salary | Starting Ranges

Using information gathered from payscale .com, the range of median salaries based upon job type is from $61,209 for a corporate financial analyst to $145,820 for a chief financial officer. The other positions were financial securities/investment analyst ($73,085), financial analyst ($62,457), senior financial analyst ($79,242), and vice president of finance ($131,700).
Now when examining a chartered financial analyst salary based upon years on experience, the scale is much more linear. A Chartered Financial Analyst with less than one year of experience reported a median salary of $51,046. A CFA with 1-4 years of experience had a salary of $63,898. CFA with 5-9 years of experience reported a median salary of $93,452. More senior CFA with 10-19 years of experience had a median salary of $119,309. The most experienced CFA with 20 years or more of experience had a median salary of $147,260.
Taking a look at the median salary by employer type allows a little more distinction. The range of salaries was $50,400 for someone working with a team employer to $100,000 for other organizations, non-profit organizations, or a school/school district employee. Within that range there were quite a few other examples of what a CFA can expect for a median salary based upon employer type. A Chartered Financial Analyst working for a private company had a median salary of $91,932. One working for a private practice/firm reported a median salary of $83,253. A CFA employed by a foundation or trust can expect a salary of $96,110. The median salary for a CFA employed by either state or local government is $83,000. A self-employed CFA reported a median salary of $80,000 as well as one employed by a hospital. A CFA working for the federal government had a median salary of $76,650. A Chartered financial analyst employed by a franchise can expect a median salary of $90,000. Lastly, the median salary for a CFA employed by a college/university was $86,500.
Interested in a hedge fund or investment career? Check out our Hedge Fund Career Guide by clicking here.
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