Third Party Marketing
Third Party Marketing Due Diligence

- Past work experience
- Current licensing and broker check
- Asset-raising history throughout their careers
- asset-raising track record while working together within the firm
- Referrals from past hedge fund clients
- Number of years experience
- Scope of their distribution channel expertise
- Number of total current clients
- Potential commitment of time in terms of hours per week and duration of the contract, and
- Personality and culture of th third party marketing group
At the same time, third party marketers need to perform due diligence on a potential client. If a hedge fund manager has a poor reputation, it could reflect poorly on the marketer that is doing the promoting.
Interested in hedge fund marketing? Read dozens of more hedge fund marketing & sales articles along with details on third party marketing within the Hedge Fund Marketing Guide.
- Richard
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Tags: Third Party Marketing Due Diligence, Third Party Marketers Due Diligence, Due Diligence on Hedge Fund Marketers, Hedge Fund Marketing Due Diligence