Hong Kong Hedge Funds
Guide to Hedge Funds in Hong Kong

I am always looking for more valuable online tools and resources to add to these geographical hedge fund guides. If you have a white paper or PowerPoint that I can include here please send me an email and I will post it to this hedge fund blog for everyone's benefit.
- Hong Kong named as the center of Asian hedge fund activity.
- Job guide for Hedge Funds in Hong Kong: http://jobs.efinancialcareers.hk/Hedge_Funds/China-Hong_Kong.htm
- Here is a short article we recently published on Hong Kong's SFC: Hong Kong Securities and Futures Commission SFC
- Business Week article about the growing hedge fund mania in Asia: http://www.businessweek.com/magazine/content/04_51/b3913155_mz035.htm
- Interesting release from the Hong Kong Investment Funds Association: http://www.hkifa.org.hk/eng/newsevents_kpr_071502.aspx
- Information regarding Opalesque Hong Kong Roundtable (Opalesque is the world’s largest subscription-based publisher covering the alternative investment industry) http://www.free-press-release.com/news/200805/1209968392.html
- Interesting source about the marketing of hedge funds in Hong Kong: http://www.aar.com.au/pubs/asia/fohkdec02.htm
- News regarding Nezu Asia Limited, a Hong Kong hedge fund with over $1 billion in assets: http://www.advancedtrading.com/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=207801819
- "Hong Kong Hedge Fund in Disarray”: http://www.thestreet.com/_tscana/markets/willswarts/10166266.html
- Hong Kong simplifies the licensing of hedge funds: http://uk.reuters.com/article/marketsNewsUS/idUKPEK15602120070611
- Hedge funds flock to Hong Kong: http://banking.hktdc.com/suc-e481.htm
- “Retail hedge funds in Hong Kong and Singapore”: http://www.aima.org/uploads/Deacons70.pdf
- How to start a hedge fund in Hong Kong: http://www.mondaq.com/article.asp?articleid=59672
- Hong Kong will not relax hedge fund rules: http://www.iht.com/articles/2006/11/07/bloomberg/bxbrief.php
- Hedge Fund jobs in Hong Kong: http://jobs.efinancialcareers.hk/Hedge_Funds.htm
- Good overview of hedge fund regulations in Hong Kong & China: http://www.pillsburylaw.com/content/portal/publications/2008/5/20085618535546/Complinet_04-15-08.pdf
- Interesting article about the Hong Kong hedge fund Hindsight: http://www.asianinvestor.net/article.aspx?CIaNID=78956
- Survey confirming dramatic growth of Hong Kong hedge fund industry: http://www.sfc.hk/sfcPressRelease/EN/sfcOpenDocServlet?docno=06PR221
- New York Times article about hedge funds in Asia and U.S: http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9503E5DE1139F93AA1575AC0A96E958260
- Hedge fund expands into Hong Kong to increase global reach: http://www.investhk.gov.hk/PageControl/ShowDynamic2962.html?act=newsdetail&newsid=1571
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Tags: Hedge Fund Hong Kong, Hong Kong Hedge Funds, Hedge Funds in Hong Kong, Hedge Fund in Hong Kong, Hedge Fund Conference in Hong Kong, Hedge Fund Jobs in Hong Kong, Kowloon,