Psychology of Creativity

Psychology of Creativity

Psychology of Creativity Trends

Psychology of CreativityI am currently attempting to earn a LA Masters Degree from Harvard University with a focus on the Psychology of Influence and Persuasion. One of the classes I took during this process was on the Psychology of Creativity.

This class was great. The best lessons I took away from it are:
  • Diversity of experience, methods, and metrics can lead to excellent results
  • Come up with new ideas by making "the strange familiar and the familiar strange" - Basically this means if something is VERY familiar act like it is brand new and you are discovering it for the first time. If something is strange act like it is old hat and treat it like you have successfully treated a different challenge and see what happens.
  • Buy the book "ThinkerToys" by Michalko
  • Keep your mind nimble with new challenges, people, classes, books, and exciting projects
There is an inefficient market for employees who are highly creative. Creative individuals may have ideas that aren't always practical but if every idea started as practical few would end in innovative.

- Richard

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Tags: articles on creativity, articles on sales, creative sale, creativity analysis, psychology of creativity

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ThinkerToys is only 6 bucks on Amazon. I think I might have to get it. It looks pretty interesting.

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