Multi-Family Offices Alternative Investments

Family Offices & Alternative Investments

Multi-Family Offices Alternative Investments Conversation

Multi-Family Offices Alternative InvestmentsI get many emails from single family and multi-family offices who use hedge funds or alternative assets of some type. In my experience I have found every family office at least open to using alternative investments with their high net worth investors. Last week was no exception, I heard from two firms using alternative investments. One of them was a single family office here in the United States that only uses alternative investments. They specifically split their portfolio into 70% hedge funds, 28% private equity and 2-3% real estate investments. I thought this was pretty interesting because I’ve read many surveys saying the ultra high net worth individuals are increasing their allocations to hedge funds but had never spoken directly with any one group that invested solely in alternatives.

- Richard

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Tags: Multi-Family Offices & Alternative Investments, family offices using alternative investments, alternative investments for family offices, multi-family offices and hedge funds