Hedge Fund Advertising
Hedge Fund Advertising Options
One current advertising client consistently gets 900-1,000 targeted visitors/month through this hedge fund blog. Another sent me this testimonial earlier today (6.3.08):

Hedge Fund Advertising Solutions Available
- HedgeFundBlogger.com Site Sponsorship - $800/month (120 x 30 banner ad on all pages)
- Hedge Fund Service Provider Directory Listings $99-$399/month
- Press Release Publishing $333/release
- Sponsored Niche Article Publishing (Search Engine Optimized) $99-199/month
- If you would like to explore partnerships or advertising on my hedge fund blog please just send me a short email at Richard@HedgeFundGroup.org.

Website Details
- 10,250+ pageviews per business day
- Daily hedge fund newsletter goes out to 12,000 individuals
- 1,700+ articles on hedge funds
- Targeted niche topic placements and search engine placement available
- Website is often visited by the more than 13,500 members of the Hedge Fund Group (HFG)
Richard Wilson
Hedge Fund Consultant & Blogger
Mobile #: 503.789.7901
Hedge Fund Consultant & Blogger
Mobile #: 503.789.7901
Related Link: Hedge Fund Services Directory
Permanent Link: Hedge Fund Advertising
Tags: Hedge Funds Advertising, Hedge Fund Industry Advertising Publications, hedge fund advertising, hedge fund advertisement, Hedge Fund Industry Advertising Publications, hedge fund media