Hedge Fund Service Directory

Hedge Fund Service Directory

Launching a Hedge Fund Service Directory

Hedge Fund Service DirectoryQuick Link: Hedge Fund Advertising

I am over 3 weeks behind on responding to all of the emails that have been coming in through this hedge fund blog. If you are one of the people who emailed me I apologize and I will get back to you within the next 10 days (I hope). Many of the questions I get are from professionals looking for service providers or products. I want to connect as many of these visitors directly with the educational articles or service providers they are seeking to do business with.

Right now hedge fund blog is getting over 4,000 hits every business day and will receive over 1 million hits for 2008. Next week I am launching a service provider directory for the hedge fund industry via this hedge fund blog. This directory of hedge fund related firms will eventually contain over 50 different niche areas to help find firms offering very specific types of services and products.

I am under the belief that it helps nobody to list 50 firms all offering the same services so I will only be listing the top 3 service providers for each niche area (Hedge Fund Auditors Example)This will allow each company listed to provide several sentences on who they are, what makes them unique and how to possibly work together with them. For an example of how the search engine optimized hedge fund service directory will work please type "prime brokers" or "prime broker" into Google to find my page on prime brokers which provides links to a couple of prime brokerage groups that I am familiar with.

Listings cost $199-399/month depending on the category. If you would like your firm or personal consulting services to be available via this hedge fund service provider directory please send an email to Richard@RichardCWilson.com.

- Richard

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Articles Related to Hedge Fund Service Provider Directory

1. Hedge Fund Prime Brokers
2. Hedge Fund Recruiters
3. Hedge Fund Analysts / Associates
4. Hedge Fund Jobs
5. Hedge Fund Advertising
6. Hedge Fund Auditors

Permanent Link: Hedge Fund Services Directory

Tags: hedge fund service directory, hedge fund service, hedge fund services, hedgefund services, hedge fund of fund services, directory of hedge fund service firms