Hedge Fund Analysts / Associates
Need to hire a hedge fund analyst, trader or portfolio manager?

Currently Available Hedge Fund Analysts, Traders, Associates and Portfolio Managers:
- Hedge Fund Analyst Available: I am an analyst who wants to find profitable opportunities in the investment world. I try to look for undervalued stocks, companies, situations and want to see if there is any hidden potential which can be unlocked. I have done lot of financial modeling, forecasting, and growth study of companies like Google etc. I am interested in getting an analyst level role in a hedge fund. I have quantitative skills, educational back ground (by studying hedge fund course books), trading experience, which can be easily used in a hedge fund. Key Strengths: understanding hidden opportunities & distressed scenarios, solving complex business & analytical problems, excellent financial modeling skills, perfect quantitative scores. My ideal job will be in a hedge fund as an analyst, where I can use my financial skills and investment principles to locate new opportunities in companies, scenarios, deals, commodities, currencies etc. Cell - 248-635-2970 Email: money_value03@yahoo.com
- Hedge Fund Trader/Financial Services Manager Available: My extensive experience as a Trader/Financial Services Manager has been highlighted with increasing degrees of responsibility. While I have spent the last couple of years as a private trader and consultant, I am especially proud of my record in trading and team-building for companies like Goldman Sachs and Lehman Brothers. I have consistently accomplished all goals assigned to me, particularly in revenue production and customer service. 516 297 7950 (Cell Phone)
- Hedge Fund Analyst - Value investor with non-traditional background seeks non-traditional situation. I have spent the last three years working as an equity analyst and am looking for home-based consulting work. Margin of safety is very important and my specialty is financials, particularly insurance companies where I worked for 18 years. Cell (484) 802-4630 roscoe86@rcn.com
- Junior Hedge Fund Trader: A highly motivated and goal oriented college graduate in Economics seeking a position with a hedge fund in New York. I have experience working in the financial services industry with UBS, where I obtained research and financial analysis on mutual funds, ETFs, and stocks in order to provide information to financial advisors and clients, prepared performance and other financial reports for over $350 million in accounts for client reviews, created and maintaining spreadsheets and databases. I have experience trading a personal account focusing on mostly large-cap and small/micro-cap stocks where I have been short biased, trading options, and now getting involved in futures trading as well as experience managing leverage. Cell: 440-669-7048 email: wiel.1@osu.edu
If you would like to have your 3 sentence bio and contact details added to this list please send an email to Richard@RichardCWilson.com to set it up.
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- Richard
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