Hedge Funds and Media Exposure
Hedge Fund Media Exposure & PR

general public but they are often turning up in news stories. A report by Walek & Associates claimed that hedge funds are mentioned in news articles over 100 times day, and over 39,000 times/year. This analysis was using data from 2005 and it does not include electronic newsletters or blogs. With 2008 numbers and the inclusion of blogs I would guess that hedge funds are mentioned in close to 1,200 articles each day.
Armel Leslie from Walek & Associates recommends that hedge funds heed the following advice when it comes to manging their PR exposure:
- Understand what the press wants and how they operate
- Have your own agenda and message every time you talk to a reporter
- Build and maintain relationships with key media
- Try to avoid “no comment”
- Assume everything is “on the record”
Most of that seems pretty Mickey Mouse but it is good advice as most hedge fund professionals have no PR training or experience and it can be an introduction to new investors or employees if managed right. Some people think that hedge funds are now choosing strategies in part which have a natural ability to gain a lot of attention from the media, it helps them build a brand and find new investors. Who hasn't heard of Citadel?
Third party marketing firms, hedge fund sales professionals and PR consultants who have real proven expertise in hedge fund media relations are worth more than they are usually paid. I would like to start a discussion around hedge fund pr strategies, trends and research. Do you have a few great or painful experiences that others can learn from? If anyone has a comment or question please share it by emailing me.
Thanks in advance.
Interested in hedge fund marketing? Read dozens of more hedge fund marketing & sales articles along with details on third party marketing within the Hedge Fund Marketing Guide.
- Richard
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Picture Source: Bando
Hi Richard,
As the PR person for a variety of hedge funds, funds of funds, associations and service providers I can say without hesitation that all market participants should recognize that 1.) having no media plan is not an option, don't wait until 60 Minutes is in the lobby before seeking professional counsel, and 2.) our industry is extra-cautious when it comes to media, and any manager should get legal approval before scheduling a press interview.
I have also seen the great research done by Walek, and have been tracking the latest numbers for several months. If you include major blogs, hedge funds are actually mentioned, debated, blamed and praised over 1000 times per day worldwide.
All the best,
Mitch Ackles
Hedge Fund PR
Agreed, I think hedge funds often shy away from the media because of a combination of being very busy, close vested, and compliance wary.
Thanks for the contribution.
- Richard
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