100% Online Hedge Fund Training
The CHP Designation is completed around the world by hedge fund and finance professionals and students, it is 100% online-based training on the hedge fund industry and both Level 1 and Level 2 can be completed in 12 months.
This Friday on January 15th at 2PM EST the program will open for registration to 300 additional participants.
Within the last year we have made several improvements to the CHP Designation Program which you may not be aware of, these include (click on links to view)
- Over 70 new quotes from current and past participants on their experience in the program
- An updated study guide:
- An audio and video overview of the study guide:
- Hedge Fund Premium resource updates (Now over 60 video resources posted)
- Free webinars for participants
- Exact details on what 3 bullet points you may add to your resume after completing CHP Level 1 (see bottom of this page for example bullet points)
You may have noticed that we are offering a free hedge fund career webinar today from 12PM - 1PM EST today. This webinar line only supports 1,000 participants and to date we have over 1,500 professionals who have registered so make sure and call in 2-3 minutes early and try again in a few minutes if you don't get a spot on your first attempt. As always a recorded version of the webinar will be available to CHP Designation members within the next few weeks through Hedge Fund Premium.
If you have any questions about the CHP Designation, why we limit participation to 300 participants, or how it may help your hedge fund career launch or move forward faster please see our FAQ or email us at Team@HedgeFundCertification.com.