Hedge Fund Performance Analysis Tool

Hedge Fund Performance Analysis Tool

Below please find a recent press release and then a guest authored article on the Hedge Fund Calculator, a hedge fund performance analytics tool produced by HedgeCo.

Today HedgeCo Networks announces the creation of a new Hedge Fund Calculator Professional Services team. By combining accomplished and focused professionals with cutting-edge development technology, HedgeCo provides a fully outsourced and cost-effective solution for hedge funds and funds of hedge funds seeking to produce branded marketing reports, including performance and return analysis, full-color graphs and charts and benchmark comparisons. The Professional Services team consists of experienced graphic designers, hedge fund marketers and consultants, CAIAs and CFAs.

The HedgeCo Hedge Fund Calculator has been in use by HedgeCo.Net, the premier Hedge Fund Database and Information Portal, for over 7 years to create tens of thousands of hedge fund performance reports. In the first ninety days after its introduction as an online service, the HedgeCo Hedge Fund Calculator gained widespread recognition and attracted hundreds of hedge funds who generated thousands of analytical reports.

"The addition of our Professional Services team will make our offering incredibly compelling, especially for managers aiming to save time, cut costs and produce high quality performance reports for their investors and prospective investors," stated Aaron Wormus, Managing Director of HedgeCo Networks. "The combination of ground-breaking technology and relevant expertise enables us to create reports with a lead time of as little as 24 hours. Managers no longer need to spend countless hours and thousands of dollars on complicated software. We consult with each client individually to produce personalized reports at a fraction of the price of other solutions in the marketplace." To learn more, please visit www.HedgeFundCalculator.com.


The Hedge Fund Calculator was initially developed in 2004 as a stand-alone desktop application. This initial version of the calculator did fairly well and gave managers a simple tool to create the PDF reports and tearsheets that their investors expected.

After 2 years of active use by a dedicated following of hedge fund managers and investors, the landscape had changed in the software development arena. No longer were desktop applications sufficient to handle the needs of a customer base that was quickly growing more sophisticated and demanded an increased feature set.

The obvious answer was an online version of the Hedge Fund Calculator. read more...

Related to Hedge Fund Performance Analysis Tool

Tags: Hedge Fund Performance Analysis Tool, Hedge Fund Analytics, Hedge Fund Performance Analytics

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