Hedge Fund Holdings
Top Hedge Fund Holdings Research

Total equity holdings of the 20 most tracked hedge funds amassed to $91.4 billion dollars, up from the previous quarter by $9.76 billion or 12%. New positions in equities totaled $9.54 billion, while existing positions saw a net inflow of just $219 million (net inflow: all money flowing into existing positions less all money flowing out of existing positions).
Companies or indices that saw the largest net inflows were Yahoo! and Philip Morris, with the SPY (SPDR tracking index for the S&P 500) and Google seeing the largest net outflows. The top eight in each category were (in millions):

Of the over 200 top holdings of hedge funds, nearly $25.5 billion or 27.9% were in either the technology or services sector. Which stocks? Below is a chart detailing the top 25 holdings by dollar amount that were seen in the portfolios, as well as a pie chart showing the top twelve stocks that made up over one-third of total fund holdings.

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Securities discussed above include: Icahn Enterprise (IEP), ABB Ltd (ABB), AK Steel Holding (AKS), Alpha Natural Resources (ANR), Apple Inc (AAPL), AT&T (T), Bank of America (BAC), Calpine Corporation (CPN), Cisco Systems (CSCO), Cleveland-Cliffs (CLF), Conoco Philips (COP), Exxon Mobil (XOM), Fairchild Semiconductor International (FCS), General Electric (GE), Google (GOOG), Hess Corp (HES), iShares Russell 2000 (IWM), JPMorgan Chase (JPM), MasterCard (MA), Microsoft (MSFT), Motorola (MOT), Occidental Petroleum (OXY), Peabody Energy (BTU), Pfizer (PFE), Potash (POT), Qualcomm (QCOM), Research in Motion (RIMM), SPDR Trust (SPY), Target Corporation (TGT), Wal-Mart Stores (WMT), Weatherford International (WFT), Yahoo! (YHOO)
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