Sustainable Investing

Sustainable Investing

Sustainable Investing & Hedge Funds

Socially responsible investing or SRI as it is sometimes called is set to be much more than a blip on the radar screen of high net worth and institutional investors alike. Just earlier this week there was a new green hedge fund launched.

Another article on this appeared in the FT this week. Here's a quick excerpt:

Wealthy people increasingly want to invest their money without harming the environment, possibly heralding the mainstream take-up of such investment principles.

"Even those who aren't actually doing it are talking about it," said Matt Christensen, executive director of the European Social Investment Forum, which has surveyed both rich individuals and the wealth managers who look after their money about the topic of sustainability.

Nearly three-quarters of respondents have seen an increase in interest in sustainable investing in the last 12 months, according to the Eurosif survey, which also forecasts more than €1,000bn (£805bn, $1,473bn) of rich people's money will be in sustainable investments by 2012. This represents a near doubling of the absolute levels in 2007, and a proportionate increase from 8 per cent to 12 per cent of rich people's wealth.

New money, either from people who have recently become wealthy, or new flows from established investors, is driving the flows into sustainable investment strategies or instruments.

"Successful entrepreneurs of today are not the industrialists of yesterday," said one survey respondent. "They are younger and more interested in sustainable investments."

Historically, rich people have led the way in investment trends, taking up hedge funds and private equity before these asset classes became generally popular. Read more...

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Tags: Sustainable Investing, Investing in Sustainable Technology, Goldman Sachs Sustainable Investing, Sustainable Investments, Invest Sustainability, Hedge Funds and Sustainable Investing, Sustainable Investing hedge fund managers, renewable investing strategies and techniques

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