Indonesia Hedge Funds
Guide to Indonesia Hedge Fund Investments

Resources Related to Hedge Funds in Indonesia
- Indonesia Has Many Hedge Funds, Few Risk Takers. This article describes the current business environment in Indonesia after the collapse of Suharto’s dictatorship. Foreign funds such as venture capital and hedge funds are looking for investment opportunities, but few are available in Indonesia, due to lack of education for the majority of the population.
- Funds in Brief: Indonesia Shone in 2004, Asia Fund Survey Shows (2/3/2005). Mutual fund investors in Indonesia, the largest economy in Southeast Asia, made average returns of 34 percent in 2004, the best in Asia, followed by those in India and Philippines, with 27 percent. Read more inside…
- Islamic Financial Products in Indonesia. Being the world’s most populous Muslim nation, Indonesia is certainly a market that gathers a lot of attention in this developing industry. The recent revamping of its regulatory framework has also stimulated the growth of diversity in its financial product. Read more inside…
- ETF Insights: Italy, Indonesia, Italy (9/2/2008). Part of this article examined the economic growth of Indonesia in the past year and the growth and future perspective of its commodity market, and also expressed concern on its inflation level.
- Price Increases Push US Soy Beyond Reach of Poor. The recent increase in commodity price has spurted the soy price beyond the reach of many in Indonesia. The Indonesian government is in talk now to place a cap on soy price and other commodities as well.
- Jakarta Hires Banks for Global Sukuk Issue (8/19/2008). Indonesia appointed three banks (HSBC, Standard Chartered and Barclay Capital) to handle its global Islamic bond program on Tuesday in a boost to the sukuk market, in which the Indonesian government wants to tap into the Islamic finance market to help fund its huge infrastructure requirements.
- Komodo Hedge Fund Bets on Indonesian Cement Industry. HB Capital Partners, manager of the first Indonesia-focused hedge fund, is betting on the nation's construction and cement industries, because of the recent rising prices of coal, palm oil and other commodities has fueled demand for construction projects.
- Indonesia Outlook 2007 – Economic, the good fortune for domestic and international investors. This articles examine the investment returns in Indonesia in year 2007 and its growth over the years, and the concern about its overheating economy. Many risk factors were analyzed, and potential investment strategies were examined for future years.
- Proposal to Build Commodities and Forex Futures Firm in Indonesia. This is an interesting blog posted by one of the financial professionals in Indonesia, who is looking for partnership to start a Commodity and Future trading firm in Indonesia. In this post, he discussed the current investment environment, regulation, and future opportunities in Indonesia.
- Around the Markets: Indonesia Keeps Up Bond Sales (10/30/2006). Indonesian companies, saddled with the highest borrowing costs in Asia, are adding to a record $3.5 billion in bond sales this year as investor appetite for their debt increases. However, default rates for Indonesian firms are still high, which limits their access to capital and poses risks for bond investors. Read more inside…
- The Indonesian Bond Market Updates. This powerpoint presentation examines the overall structure of Indonesian bond market, from government to corporate bonds, and analyzes its recent market development and future challenges faces.
- Economics Market Strategy 2Q 2008. This comprehensive research report analyzes and forecast the economic condition and investment opportunities of the upcoming year for East Asian countries, including, China, Hong Kong, Korea, Indonesia, Malaysia, etc.
- Indonesia’s Supreme Court Darkens Jakarta’s Year of the Bond. This article reports the latest abuses of the legal system by Indonesia’s Supreme Court to protect its domestic borrowers from avoiding their contractual bond obligations. However, the decision could also hamper the ability of the government to attract the investment it needs for its future economic growth and job creation. Read more inside…
- Indonesia: Doing Business in Indonesia. The impact of the regional monetary crisis in 1997–1998 included a high inflation rate, devaluation of the Indonesian rupiah, a fall in foreign investment, capital flight and a high unemployment rate. All this in turn created political as well as economic instability in the country. This report analyzes the measures and changes that the Indonesia government has undertaken in order to curb these problems.
- Indonesia Faces Rising Inflation Rate (8/5/2008). Last month the annual inflation rate jumped to a higher than expected 11-point-nine percent. Soaring food and fuel prices have sparked widespread protests and trimmed growth forecasts in Indonesia. Read more inside…
- Indonesia Mulls Tax Breaks to Attract Investment (1/25/2008). Indonesia is considering introducing income tax incentives for certain industrial sectors in order to attract more investment and spur economic growth. The targeted industries are those which absorb a large number of workers. Read more inside…
- Why TPG is interested in Indonesia. After the Asian crisis, some foreign investors moved in to buy Indonesian assets the government was auctioning at fire-sale prices. But many investors, including TPG - a huge US PE firm, were initially hesitant because of political instability and other obstacles. However, as the situation stabilized, firms like TPG are starting to looking for cheap bargain deals again…
- Indonesia M&A Proves Popular Despite High Price (4/3/2008). The growing political stability, surging economy, and rising household wealth in Indonesia has recently attracted many investment banks to scramble in for deals.
- Hedge Funds in Emerging Market. This report contains two parts. Part I of the report explains the working of hedge funds. Part II focuses on the activities of macro hedge funds and proprietary trading desks in east Asia in 1997 and 1998, with Indonesia as one of its case-study countries.
- Property Developments and Investments Indonesia: Opportunies in Indonesia’s Rapidly Growing Real Estate Sector. September 22-23, 2008, Hotel Mulia Senayan, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Related to Indonesia Hedge fund Investment Research:
- Geographical Hedge Fund Guides
- Hedge Fund Database
- Hedge Fund Administrator
- Hedge Fund Attorneys andLawyers
- Investment Book
- Hedge Fund Terms and Definitions
- Hedge Fund Tracker Tool
- Financial Certification
- Hedge Fund Forum
Tags: Indonesia Hedge Fund Investment Research, Indonesia Investments, Indonesia Economy, Indonesia Research, Indonesia Funds, Indonesia Markets, investing in Indonesia
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