Hedge Fund Redemptions
Hedge Fund Redemption Dates

The WSJ recently ran a short piece on how some relatively large hedge funds are facing waves of redemptions from their investors. One $14B hedge fund has seen their assets shrink to just $11B after dozens of investors submitted their redemption requests. Another has shrank from $10B to $8B.
Many hedge funds have what is caused a gate or gating clause within their agreements with investors which only allows a certain percentage of the firm's assets to leave the fund through redemption requests each quarter. While some hedge funds have gating clauses set at 7.5%-10% many others are at 15-20%, meaning that only 7.5% of the hedge fund's total assets may leave the fund via redemption notices each quarter.

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- Richard
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Tags: Hedge Fund Redemptions, Hedge Fund Redemption, Hedge Fund Redemption Dates, Hedge Fund Redemption Date, Hedge Fund Gating Clause, Hedge Funds redemption, Hedge Fund Redemption Day