Hedge Fund Performance in May

Hedge Funds in May

Hedge Fund Performance in May

In May, HFN Hedge Fund Average Aggregate was +2.02%, and the S&P Total Returns Index was +1.30%. The energy sector continued to rise this year with the HFN Energy Sector Average at +4.38% last month. The equity markets' success seems to have led to the HFN Long/Short Equity Average outperforming the S&P Total Return Index, yielding +2.76.

In regional benchmarks, while hedge funds investing in China and India performed dismally, funds investing in Russia and Brazil boosted the Emerging Markets Average to +2.55%. Hedge funds using the long only strategy have performed poorly this year but improved thanks to the global equity markets, the Long Only Average was %3.41 in May. Investors have shown dissatisfaction with the technology sector through redemptions and liquidations. Total assets in tech sector funds fell 10.89% in Q1 of 2008, yet the Technology Sector Average was one of the best performers in May at 3.46%.

- Richard

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