Hedge Fund Entry Level

Hedge Fund Entry Level

Entry Level Hedge Fund Jobs

Hedge Fund Entry LevelMany people find my contact details online and email or call me to ask about how to obtain an entry level hedge fund job. I have put together this list as a resource for those looking for a little bit of guidance on this subject.

  1. Subscribe to 5-10 free newsletters relating to the hedge fund industry. Some places to start might be HedgeWire, HedgeWeek, Fierce Finance, and the Albourne Village.
  2. Join Linkedin.com and invite me to join your network - Linkedin.com/in/RichardcWilson. Invite others to join and find 10 people here who you could get advice from
  3. Purchase 3 books on hedge funds and 3 books on the specific area you want to work in such as trading, analytics, or sales. If you are unsure then buy a few books in each area or buy a guide on Vault.com to help you make sense of the industry.
  4. Make sure your professional image is 1st class. Review your resume 100x and make sure that you have not exaggerated a single item on it so you can sell hard when you are face to face with the decision maker at a hedge fund.
  5. Focus on approaching potential employers with items listed within my "What You Can't Teach" blog entry from earlier today (7.24.07).
  6. Call 15 potential employers or sources of advice every day for 10 business days. These 150 people will find someone who needs your skills and you will find a job. That brings up two questions. Is that a lot of calls? Yes. How bad do you want a great entry level hedge fund job?
  7. Offer to work for free for 10 days to show your value after stating the ballpark salary range you would be comfortable staying for.
  8. Attend conferences if you can afford to. This will get you face to face with dozens of prospective employers.

I have recently found an individual willing to help improve your hedge fund or investment resume. If you would like 1-4 hours of resume editing, coaching and career guidance please send me an email at Richard@RichardCWilson.com.

- Richard

Permanent Link: Entry Level Hedge Fund Jobs

Articles Related to Hedge Fund Entry Level

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  2. Hedge Funds

  3. Hedge Fund Internship
  4. Hedge Fund Employment

  5. Hedge Fund Jobs

  6. Hedge Fund Careers
  7. Hedge Fund Services
  8. Hedge Fund Job Listings
  9. Hedge Fund Forum
  10. Hedge Fund Recruiters

Tags: Hedge Fund Entry Level Positions, Entry Level Hedge Fund Jobs, Hedge Fund Sales Resumes, Hedge Fund Resumes, Hedge Fund Resume Review, Hedge Fund Resume Help, Hedge Fund Marketing Resumes, Hedge Fund Third Party Marketing Resumes, Hedge Funds of Funds Resumes

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