Hedge Fund Assets Update
Hedge Fund Industry Assets Reach $1.917 Trillion
Hedge funds have done pretty well fundraising as of late and it is starting to show as industry assets continue to rise. The latest estimate is that hedge fund total assets now sit around $1.917 trillion. This number is only a little bit short of the 2008 peak when total assets managed was $1.93 trillion.
Hedge-fund assets grew at a record rate in the fourth quarter, Hedge Fund Research Inc. said Wednesday, as strong investment performance and new investor capital pushed industry assets to $1.917 trillion, just shy of their mid-2008 peak.
But the industry isn't entirely back to health. Only 43% of funds ended the year at the level where they can collect performance fees on gains, and HFR data show that the vast bulk of new money is going to an elite group of large hedge-fund firms.
At a briefing in London, HFR President Ken Heinz said net investor flows were $55 billion for the full year, the most since 2007. About $45 billion of the new money went to firms managing at least $5 billion in assets.
Along with a 10.5% rise in the HFRI Composite Index that tracks about 2,200 hedge funds, that swelled the industry by a record $149 billion in the quarter, putting estimated industry assets just below their peak of $1.93 trillion in the middle of 2008. Source
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Tags: Hedge Fund Assets Update, hedge funds, hedge fund assets, hedge funds, hedge funds assets under management, hedge funds trillion, hedge funds aum