Family Offices Recruitment

Family Offices Recruitment

Family Offices Trying to Recruit Hedge Fund Professionals

Family offices are attempting to poach talent from hedge funds.  The family office industry has increased efforts to recruit hedge fund professionals and it appears many will make the switch.  In a survey conducted by recruitment firm Hunter Advisers, 90% of the respondents said they would consider taking a job in a family office, despite the pay cut.
U.S. family offices are set to step up their recruitment of hedge fund professionals. And those professionals are likely to be receptive, according to a new survey from Hunter Advisors.
Some 90% of the respondents to the recruiting firm’s survey said they would consider taking a job at one of the country’s 300 to 500 family offices, despite the lower pay.
“They’ll make the jump because of the stability,” Greg Coules of Hunter told Reuters. “Also, the culture and the lifestyle at these big institutions is tough.” Family offices offer “a much more genteel environment.”
The Volcker rule would bar banks from owning, sponsoring or investing in hedge funds.  Source

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Tags: Family Offices Recruitment, Family Offices, Family offices, family office recruitment, hedge funds, family offices taking talent, family offices hedge funds recruitment