Hedge Fund Accountant
Hedge Fund Accountant Directory Listings
The following is a list of recommended hedge fund accountants and hedge fund accounting firms. While the performance of their services cannot be guaranteed by this hedge fund blog, our service provider directory only provides details on a very small number of well established reputable firms in the hedge fund industry.1. Jordan, Patke & Associates, Ltd.

Contact Info: Ronald S. Niemaszyk 847-382-1627 ron.niemaszyk@jordanpatke.com
2. Accounting and Compliance International

For a complete explanation of how ACI can assist you in reducing your compliance costs contact John Borbone at 212-668-8700 ext. 43 or at 973-886-3337 or email info@acisecure.com. Please see our website: http://www.acisecure.com/
4. Arthur Bell CPAs
Since 1974, Arthur Bell has earned a solid reputation in the hedge fund industry for our experience, client service and quality assurance. We provide audit, tax, performance analysis, investor representation, and consulting services to hedge funds, funds of funds, CTAs, commodity pools, investment advisers, and broker-dealers in the United States, Cayman Islands, and worldwide.
As a member of the Center for Audit Quality of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, our firm receives peer reviews for quality and independence and has received the highest available rating. Arthur Bell is also registered with and subject to inspection by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, which allows our firm to conduct audits of SEC registrants, hedge funds sponsored by Registered Investment Advisers, and broker-dealers.
Learn more by contacting Bob Zink, CPA at (410) 771-0001 x115, Bob.Zink@ArthurBellCPAs.com, or online at http://www.ArthurBellCPAs.com
4. If you would like to add your investment firm's bio here or explore other advertising options please email Richard@HedgeFundGroup.org