Market-Neutral Hedge Funds

Market-Neutral Hedge Funds

Market-Neutral Hedge Fund Overview

Market-Neutral Hedge FundsHedgeCo defines market-neutral hedge fund strategies as: An approach that aims to preserve capital through any of several methods and under any market conditions. The most common followers of the market-neutral strategy are funds pursuing a long/short investment strategy. These seek to exploit market discrepancies by purchasing undervalued securities and taking an equal, short position in a different and overvalued security. Market-neutral hedge funds typically employ long-term holding periods and experience moderate volatility.

Here are a few additional resources on Market Neutral Hedge Fund Managers:
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- Richard

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Tags: Market-Neutral Hedge Funds, Hedge Funds, Hedge Fund, Investments, Finance, Market Neutral Hedge Fund Strategy, Market-Neutral Hedge Fund Managers, Market Neutral Hedge Fund, Market-Neutral Hedge Fund Manager