New UK Hedge Fund Firms

New UK Hedge Fund Firms

New Hedge Fund Firms Still Opening in UK

A sign of the enduring hopefulness of new hedge fund managers, the UK is still awash with new hedge fund firms.  Although the UK may enforce tough laws and regulations such as EU Directive on Alternative Fund Managers and the new tax law, the British Financial Services Authority approved 60 new hedge funds in the last three months of last year.
Despite fundraising difficulties and an uncertain regulatory environment, there’s no shortage of new hedge funds looking to come on line in London.
The British Financial Services Authority gave the green light to more new hedge fund firms than almost any other type of financial advisory or trading firm in the fourth quarter, according to consultancy IMAS. The FSA authorized 60 hedge fund managers during the last three months of the year; only general fund management companies won more approvals, with 72.
All told, the FSA authorized less than 200 companies in the fourth quarter of last year. In particular, shyness struck those mulling new private equity firms, with the number of applications from the sector falling tremendously during the second half.  Source

Related to: New UK Hedge Fund Firms

Tags: New UK Hedge Funds, UK financial regulation, UK hedge funds, hedge funds in the United Kingdom, UK hedge fund firms