Hedge Fund Lawyer
Hedge Fund Lawyer Contacts
Question: Do you know of a hedge fund lawyer who specializes in working with hedge funds?
Answer: Yes, we get this question every week and we have sent dozens of leads to the two firms who sponsor this website. We have always gotten positive feedback from past referrals to these professionals:
Malik Law Group is a boutique, full service law firm specializing in investment partnerships and companies (commonly known as Investment Funds or Hedge Funds). The Firm provides legal guidance and advice on all aspects of the global investment management industry. The firm is primarily focused on, but is not limited to, assisting clients in the formation of both domestic and offshore investment partnerships and companies, ensuring compliance with applicable state, federal, and international laws and regulations, and preparing all of the relevant documents to set up the entity efficiently. For more information please reach Bilal Malik at 404.736.3642, bilal.malik@maliklawgroup.com or through
If your law firm would like to be included within our service provider directory listing on hedge fund lawyers and attorneys please email us at
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Tags: Hedge Fund Lawyer, Hedge Fund Attorney, Hedge Fund Laywers, Hedge Funds Lawyer, Alternative Investment Lawyer, Hedge Funds Attorney, Alternative Investment Attorney
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