RMB Asset Management
RMB | Tom Joy Hedge Fund Notes

Story #1: RMB Asset Management has launched a diversified target fund in a bid to help schemes manage funding volatility. The asset management firm said the multi-manager RMB Diversified Target Return Fund has exposure to equities, bonds and alternatives such as commodities, hedge fund of funds and property.
It is aimed at both defined benefit and defined contribution pension schemes – and is targeting return of LIBOR (London interbank offered rate) plus 3pc over rolling three year periods.
The underlying managers are researched and monitored by RMB’s multi-manager research team which is headed up by chief executive officer Tom Joy.
Joy said, "As trustees try to manage funding volatility it is becoming obvious that a new breed of investment solution is required" He added: "We believe that our DTR fund is notably different from similar products in the marketplace and provides and optimal blend of active asset allocation expertise and ‘best of breed’ manager selection."
RMB said small and mid-sized defined benefit schemes could use the fund in order to diversify its assets and to help them implement a de-risking or liability matching strategy while maintaining equity like returns. It said defined contribution schemes could use the fund as a default option – which would allow members invest in an active vehicle with ongoing monitoring. Source.
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Tags: RMB Asset Management, Tom Joy, DTR fund, diversified hedge fund launch, RMB Asset Management International ltd, LP, LLC, Inc, RMB Hedge Fund, RMB Capital management
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