Marketing Sales Jobs
Marketing, Sales & Investor Relations Jobs

Ranked in the top 10 of all hedge funds with more than $15M in assets by, this fund is very attractive to investors! With a return of 14% last year and 17% for 10 months of 2007, few funds have performed better. The secret is the firm's expertise in pricing, buying, and collecting on performing prime consumer receivables - the hottest new space in alternative investments.
The firm currently has $25M in investor funds and would like to get $500M in the next 5-10 years. The firm has a track record of almost 2 yrs. If you join us, you should be comfortable marketing a fund of that size and track record.
The ideal candidate will have a significant book of HNW and FO investors who are interested in allocating now to a great opportunity.
The firm is located near Lake Tahoe in Reno, NV. Relocation is desired but we'll consider telecommute for an excellent candidate if your investor base is somewhere else and you'd be more effective staying put.
Please send CV/resume in Word format
Contact info: Marc Goormastic at Email only please.
Marketing and Portfolio Management
Paragon Capital is a Park Avenue New York City based private investment fund which has produced a 45% compound annual return over the past 4 years, ranking in the top 1% of all hedge funds. The fund was the private investment vehicle for a wealthy investor which generated excellent returns. Over time family and friends asked to have Paragon manage their money. We now have $20 million in assets under management with a good percentage contributed by the CEO. Paragon has recently launched a companion offshore fund. The firm is ready to begin an aggressive marketing campaign to raise $100 million over the next two years. We expect these funds to come from HNW individuals, family offices, and other institutional investors. Read the full job description

Comp: Significant Salary plus bonus/commission plus benefits
Small West Coast hedge fund wants experienced capital raiser/marketer who can also add to executive discussions and fit into a team culture. Relo unnecessary - Telecommute okay and any required travel paid for by firm. Marketing materials supplied.
Firm strategy NOT based on equities/bonds but rather real estate, lease equipment, and/or high-end consumer debt.
Please send resume to All resumes kept confidential.

Position #3: Coming Soon - Please email to add your open portfolio management position here now.
Not interested in these positions but interested in looking at other open hedge fund jobs? Please see's Hedge Fund Job Listings page.
- Richard
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Tags: Marketing Sales Jobs, Marketing and Sales Jobs, Sales Marketing Job, Hedge Fund Sales Job, Hedge Fund Marketing Job, Sales Marketing employment, Jobs in Hedge Fund Marketing and sales, Hedge Fund Sales Career, Hedge Fund Marketing Career