Hedge Funds Care

Hedge Funds Care

Hedge Funds Care Organization

Hedge Funds CareHedge Funds Care, a nonprofit organization, is one of the feel good stories in the investment world. Founded in 1998 by Rob Davis, Hedge Funds Care has the goal of helping prevent and treat child abuse. With the help of others in the hedge fund industry, the very first Open Your Heart to the Children benefit took place in February 1999 in New York. This initial benefit raised a whopping $542,000.

Since that day, Hedge Funds Care has transformed into an internationally recognized organization raising as much as $24 million/year. In addition to events in New York, annual benefits will happen in San Francisco, Chicago, Atlanta, Boston, Toronto, London, and the Cayman Islands to name a few.

If you are interested in learning more about them or attending one of their events you can be clicking here.

- Richard

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Related Terms: Hedge Funds Care, Hedge Fund Cares, HedgeFunds Care, Hedge Fund Care, Hedge Fund Care Organization, Hedge Funds Care Events, hedge funds care new york, hedge funds care chicago, hedge funds care london