Family Offices Fundraising

I recently did an interview on how professionals can build relationships and connect with family offices.  Family offices are, of course, notoriously private and they strictly guard their time so it is important to have a well-conceived idea of how you are going to approach family offices and be sure you are adding value.  Click here to read the interview I did with Axial Market.  Here is just a short summary of some of the ideas I shared:

Outreach: One of my strategies that I explained is just to put yourself out there through a proactive and diversified outreach to family offices.

Start Locally:  I am always pleasantly surprised at the number of family offices that operate locally in the Pacific Northwest.  I think that is a great place to start and people often assume that family offices only exist in major cities like New York or Los Angeles but there are often successful entrepreneurs who have a single family office or a branch of a major multi-family office in cities like Dallas, Denver or Phoenix.  So my advice is to start locally and work your way out from there.

Add Value: No one wants their time wasted so if you request a meeting with a family office and do not bring something of value to that meeting then you will have an unproductive meeting and likely will not get another one with that family office.  I have spent years working with family offices to ensure that I always bring something of value to them whether it is a compensation survey, my recent book on family office investing or sharing strategies for attracting high net worth individuals.  My goal is always to leave the other person in the meeting feeling like it was a good use of their time and that they got something of real value from our meeting.

To read all of the tips and strategies that I shared, you can read the article here.

tags: family office networking, family office firms, family office contacts, contacting family offices, working with family offices, how to network with family offices, networking with family offices, family office strategy