Hedge Fund Seeding terms

Hedge Fund Seeding Terms

Yesterday I hosted an 8 hour workshop on capital raising at the Buckhead Club in Atlanta and during the event the topic of hedge fund seeding terms and hedge fund seed capital sources came up.  Right now there are some hedge fund seed capital allocators and platforms that are active but not as many as there were 4-5 years ago.

Whenever you are taking on seed capital the investor providing the capital is going to see this as taking extra risk because your business is less institutional and less "proven" than an institutional $100M+ in Assets Under Management (AUM) group.  To balance this risk, perceived or real, the investor is going to ask for something you wouldn't normally give a normal investor.  For example they will ask for you to put up risk capital so first losses in the portfolio are out of your own capital, or they may ask for an equity share in your fund or company.  Some managers are taken back by offers they get, don't be.  Expect something creative and aggressive to come with an early offer of a large injection of capital.

Even so most hedge fund managers should seriously consider seed capital sources to help them get to a respectable level of AUM, if they can do so without compromising the resources and loyalty of those who started the fund in the first place.

I wanted to share comments on this topic to help out those emerging managers and traders who are starting hedge funds who may feel a bit lost while exploring these ideas.  Take care and perhaps we can meet in person at one of our future workshops or through the CHP designation.

Related to: Hedge Fund Update

Tags: hedge fund seeding terms, terms for hedge fund seeding, hedge fund seeding, hedge fund seed terms, terms for hedge fund seed capital