Velite Capital Commodity Fund
One Commodity Fund Beating Out the Competition
Many commodity hedge funds have struggled to make gains in the last several months with a still volatile economy. BusinessInsider follows one commodity hedge fund that is beating out almost every other commodity fund out there. The Houston-based fund, Velite Capital, was up 20% in August compared to other commodity funds that returned on average 0.4% last month. The fund had been relatively under the radar, it is led by David Coolidge who manages roughly $1 billion in assets under management.
David Coolidge of Velite Capital, a Houston-based commodity fund with about $1 billion under management, is outperforming almost the entire hedge fund industry right now.
In August, Velite was up 20%, according to an e-mail sent to investors that was obtained by Bloomberg.
That means he outperformed other commodity funds, which are down on average of -1.5% this year and the entire hedge fund industry, which returned on average .4% on average in August, by a mile.
The fund wouldn't answer any questions when Bloomberg called, and this fund has been under the radar until now, so we know barely anything about Coolidge or his strategy, other than the fund specializes in oil and energy trading and the guess out there is that he was pretty short 2011 natural gas. Source
Related to: Velite Capital
Tags: Velite Capital Commodity Fund, Velite Capital Commodity, Velite Capital Commodity Funds, Velite Capital, Commodity Funds