Hedge Fund Course
Hedge Fund Course CHP Designation
Theo: What is the Certified Hedge Fund Professional (CHP) program?
The CHP Designation program is an online hedge fund certification program sponsored by the Hedge Fund Group (HFG) starting in 2008.
The CHP Designation is a two part program. Level 1 helps participants gain a comprehensive base level of knowledge about the hedge fund industry. Level 2 allows participants to specialize within a niche area of the industry such as marketing and sales, due diligence or analytics.
Theo: What do graduates from the CHP program receive, as in what are the benefits from taking the program?
For a list of the benefits from completing the program please see this page: http://hedgefundcertification.com/Benefits.html
Our program also benefits hedge fund startups and sub $100M hedge fund managers. Here is how: http://hedgefundcertification.com/How-To-Start-A-Hedge-Fund-Startup-Benefits.html
Theo: How is this program connected to the Hedge Fund Group (HFG) and who decides what goes on the exam?
The Hedge Fund Group (HFG) sponsors the CHP Designation and created it in 2008. There is a team of 5 professionals who have developed and maintain the designation and they are aided by an advisory board of approximately 55 professionals who work at hedge funds, fund of hedge funds and prime brokerage/auditing firms.
Theo: Where are classes held? New York? How much do they cost.
The CHP Designation is offered 100% online and tuition is $550 for CHP level 1, $650 for CHP Level 2 or $899 for both levels if you pay for both at one time. The program and exam may be taken from anywhere in the world as long as the individual has a reliable internet connection. Last year we had participants from Hong Kong, UK, US, Canada, India and China.
Theo: So the CHP Designation program is really international and not based within the Manhattan or any one location for that matter.
Yes that is correct.
Theo: How well known is the program? Have mainstream media outlets interviewed your team?
To some extent we have been covered. We have not graced the cover of the WSJ or any large American newspaper but we have been picked up by the Financial Times, Alpha Magazine, Institutional Investor and Job Search Digest. Most of these stories were ran in interview form. The Financial Times was the most thorough, we spent over 4 hours speaking with them and that doesn’t count their inquiries to actual participants within the program as well.
Theo: Is there anything else you want to mention here before we end this interview?
We have much more information on our website: http://HedgeFundCertification.com
The CHA credential will have a lot more value as the hedge fund industry thins out. HNWIs will be reticent to put money with non-credentialed managers for fear of ending up in another Bernie Madoff feeder fund.
I agree that the CHA will become more valuable as the industry tries to improve it's own ability to select winners and weed out those looking to game the system for their own financial gain.
I don't believe hedge funds will ever go away completely, the industry is too large. Once the market turns hedge funds will be there first in line with the most well trained portfolio managers and skilled traders.
Thanks for the comment.
Hi Richard,
I have a question on CHA exam. How do we give the exam on the examination date. Do we go to some registered test center or is it from our homes. How would you ensure the authenticity of the test taker if its the latter case
The exam is provided online. We use a testing system which employs dual IP tracking and passwords to access the exam material. We also use a timed submission process to ensure that nobody may access the test twice and everyone is allotted the same amount of time to complete the full exam.
Do you have any additional questions?
Hi Richard,
How popular is the CHA designation program in the hedge fund industry ? Do you expect most of the hedge funds to know about this program ?
The designation is gaining in popularity but it is younger than a few other designations so it will be a year or two before most of the hedge funds both know about the CHA and look for professionals who may hold it. In the first two months of 2009 we have had over 175 registrations, we expect 400 for 2009 and 600-800 registrations in 2010.
Hi Richard,
Are any colleges offering this program at this time ? Do we get credit hours for completing this program ?
The only way the program can be offered is through the Hedge Fund Group (HFG) and CHA Designation website. The course is not licensed out to be offered at universities. We having some university professors offer to help spread the word about our program, but none are offering CHA courses.
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