Hedge Fund Compliance Notes | White House | Hate Mail + New Regulations

Hedge Fund Compliance

Hedge Fund Compliance Notes

The recent financial crises has lead to many unique events for our team which runs HedgeFundBlogger.com. These have included a furry of proposals on how to further regulate hedge funds, blaming of hedge funds for speculative practices and calls for a greater understanding of exactly what individual hedge funds are investing in. Since we run a blog which only discusses hedge fund related matters we have recently seen:
  • A member of the White House executive staff has recently joined the Hedge Fund Group (HFG)
  • Press Inquiries - Many interviews come down to questions on how hedge funds should be further regulated. My common response is that if it is done in a way where technology can be leveraged to apply the new regulatory procedures at the prime broker or hedge fund administrator level and if funds aren't required to disclose their portfolios than it might be readily accepted within the industry.
  • Hate mail and voicemails from a few individuals who believe that since I write HedgeFundBlogger.com I must run a hedge fund and am therefore an evil person or "communist" as one email put it.

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Tags: Hedge Fund Compliance, Hedge Fund Regulation, Hedge Fund Regulations, regulation of hedge fund managers, are hedge funds regulated, hedge fund compliance

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